Sunday, November 20, 2011

Step 1: Introductions

Welcome to my new blog, which I hope to use as a tool to help myself get back into the swing of my creativity. My muse has been AWOL for a couple of years, which is a real shame. I have an entire world inside my head, and I am determined now to utilize it in a meaningful way.

A quick overview on me:

My name is Adam, and I currently live in the southern part of the United States. I graduated from college with a music education degree, and vastly enjoy mucking about on things like video games. I have a far more creative side, which I have failed to utilize well for the past 24 months or so. I am an amateur cartoonist and writer, and hopefully this blog will help me realize some potential on my writing.

About this blog:

This blog will serve two purposes: First and foremost, I will use it as a means of "Showing off" which allows me to receive feedback and show that I've actually done any work on my large-scale projects, most (if not all) of which involve my fictional world - this will keep me engaged in the projects and hopefully help me accomplish something worthwhile; Second, this blog will provide a way for people who are genuinely interested to catch snippets of what I'm writing, and give me actual critiques. I will sometimes post things I am proud of, and others that I am having great difficulty with. Maybe with some outside critique, I can eventually get something done.

I welcome you to join me in my journey to produce something that the world has never seen.

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